17 de marzo de 2019

#037: Realization.

Well I've known this for quite a while, a few months more or less. I've always felt like a child, that much I've always known, but through the years I made myself believe that my feelings aren't real enough, aren't important enough, and just now I realized that they, indeed, are real enough and important enough. Because I feel them, and if I feel them they must be real, and if they affect me they must be important. Even if I was still a child that doesn't make my feelings any less important, it doesn't make them hurt any less.

I think all of my issues started when I was 12. Well, maybe not all of them, but sure enough a lot of those that are haunting me to this day. I was made feel like everytime a cried, it was for attention, not because I was actually feeling bad, I was made feel like I was always wrong because I was a child, even if I knew I wasn't, I was made feel like my suffering was stupid, invalid, and I wasn't aware how traumatic it was back then, even less that I was to carry this on my back to this very day. I know they meant no harm, they were probably made to feel the same way when they were little. I know they love me, and I know they only want the best for me. But people have flaws, sometimes they can be so nasty and ugly, and sometimes people don't know how to deal with children, so they shouldn't. That same people sometimes can't even deal with adults but, well, what can you do about that?

I'm working on it, on acknowledging my feelings and accepting that even though I know they meant no harm, their words and actions still were harmful. That I'm allowed to feel, and that my feelings affect they way I am.

I'm not a child anymore, and even if I was, I shouldn't make myself shut up about my sadness, or my joy. When you're like this, even happiness seems unreal while you're feeling it.

15 de marzo de 2019

#036: Anxiety.

I've never experienced anxiety like this, at least not that I can remember. This year started with a very sad and numb me. Is it Van Gogh? Did his company help me with it all this years? Everything's gone to shit ever since he died and I don't know how to cope with it, I'm not even sure if it's all because of it, I can't even put my finger on it, I just feel so worthless even tho I know I'm not; I know my family loves me, and my friends, and that there's people that care about me. I know I'm smart, and kind, as well as I know I have my flaws, but still, there's that voice in my head saying nasty things, and sometimes it says nothing at all, but I feel so bad.

My stomach hurts and at first, a few weeks ago, I thought there was something wrong with it, but then I figured out... yeah, no, this is what anxiety feels like, I realized that when I was feeling like this and had my first drink of the night with my friends and, suddenly, the ache was gone. It has nothing to do with my stomach itself, it's my mind, it's fucking me up from the inside. And I know, I know so many things I didn't when I was younger and felt so hopeless, but still, I don't know if this is just something that I have to feel in order for it to go away (as in letting it all wear itself out), or if I have to fight it aggressively.

I'm trying to figure it out, meanwhile I have my period and I don't know if that's whats triggering it right now, but I want to cry so badly and I don't know why.

Also, just started printing my coloring book, at first it was giving me heavy anxiety because my printer wasn't working properly (and it's brand new, mind you, so I was very much stressed), but I figured out how to make it work and that actually made me proud, and sometimes I don't give myself enough credit when I do things right, when I care about something and I work my way into it to learn and fix and make it work. Even if it takes time, even if I don't know if it's going to be worth it in the end, I have patience, I work on my own time, and in the end I get it done.

I'll be fine, just overwhelmed.

5 de marzo de 2019

#035: Moods.

Anxiety's been killing me lately, I think I just got rid of part of it recently by pausing my Patreon. I don't know, I just feel so down and angsty and overall bad, my logical side tells me I'm not as bad as I'm feeling, that I'm a good person, that I have so much to give, but my feelings are all over the place. I gues it's something I just have to feel, facts don't even matter because I know everything's gonna be fine, I do, it's just... it's just it.


1 de marzo de 2019

#034: Marditaaaa???

Muchas cosas que contar, como que por ejemplo pedí dos sets de acuarela para mi cumpleaños, una bellísima persona luego se ofreció a regalármelos, también ya compré la impresora, ya llegó y ya la tengo aquí, y en general todo bien. Pero empecé a leer un fanfic supuestamente terminado de supuestamente 17 capítulos que terminaron siendo 13 porque en realidad nunca lo terminaron y todo fue un engaño. Thats a dick move, a big one, i cant.
